Hi guys, it's Tyger here. It's now been almost 6 months since we lost our darling Gypsy and I can honestly say I still miss her everyday. It means so much to me and to her family that so many of her "fans" still stop by her blog to leave a comment. She had such a loyal following and it's truly heart warming to see you all keep her memory alive!
I as lucky enough to have been given the rights to all of Gypsy's digital kits and myself and Sarah (Gypsy's Daughter in Law) have been sharing her PTU kits with her fans sporadically. However now we've reach a decision about how to proceed.
Any of you who knew Gypsy will know that she poured her heart and soul into our forum The North Wing. It was on the cusp of our big plan to move to our own domain that we lost our fearless leader. However through strength of heart and generosity of our staff we managed to make that dream happen, and the result is the all new (well 6 month old ) North Wing Asylum HERE
So, I've selected 3 kits to keep as exclusives for inmates of the asylum and the remaining PTU kits will be placed in our store for sale with all profits going into the "pot" we use for site maintenence etc...
I never felt comfortable selling the kits for profit, but this way the money will go to benefit the online family she surrounded herself with, I'm confident her fans will understand this! The kits will be available in North Wing Scraps exclusively.
But... becasue you are all so darn awesome.. I have one last Freebie for you all..
This kit was created in honour of NAE of Afternoon Delight and it is simply adorable!

You can download this beautiful kit HERE
There is also an add-on pack HERE